Exploring the Top 5 Waterproof Cargo Bag Uses
Discover waterproof cargo bag uses for protecting gear during travel, outdoor adventures, and storage. Durable, reliable, and built to last.
Read MoreIndustrial Sewing Services Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide
Getting a handle on the ins and outs of industrial sewing services pricing is a big deal for your business. There’s a lot that goes into the final cost—from materials and labor to overhead expenses—that can really add up.
Read MoreWhat Are Space Suits Made Of?
It’s hard to believe that we have been venturing into space since the 1950s and yet, over seventy years later, we still have not sent humans beyond the moon. And while national commitments to space travel might wax and wane, private enterprise has taken the lead in the human exploration of space. From reusable rockets […]
Read MoreHow Is Industrial Sewing Different From Other Kinds of Sewing?
What is the Difference? Industrial sewing is the process of attaching two pieces of specialty film or fabric by stitching them together using specialized industrial sewing machines. The main difference between industrial sewing and other kinds of sewing is that the industrial kind rarely involves clothing. Also, industrially sewn products tend to be heavy-duty or […]
Read MoreWhat is Laminated Fabric Made Of?
Laminated fabric is a versatile material that can be used for a variety of purposes. It’s strong, water-resistant, chemical-resistant, and durable, making it a great choice for many different applications. Laminated Fabric is Bonded Fabric Laminated fabric is made of two or more layers of fabrics that are bonded together with an adhesive. This construction […]
Read MoreWhat is Textile Engineering and How Does It Work?
Industrial sewing and heat sealing are directly adjacent to, and often rely on, the hard work of engineers who specialize in the flexible materials used in the many products created on Vinyl Technology’s manufacturing floor. The way we know what works for so many applications is not through trial and error but because of research […]
Read MoreThe Top 5 Uses for a Hazmat Suit
All hazmat suits have one purpose: to keep the person wearing them alive. The person who wears a hazmat suit should be in the same condition when they take it off as they were when they put it on. Anything less than that is simply unacceptable. The COVID-19 pandemic has made more people more aware […]
Read MoreWhat is Vinyl Laminated Fabric and How is it Used?
The ingredients needed to create vinyl laminated fabric are not complicated: you start with a piece of regular fabric, like nylon, for example, and then place a layer of film over it. While the specific process for creating a laminated fabric is different for every implementation and one method might not be used for every […]
Read MoreUncovering the Power of HazMat Suits: Understanding Your Protective Wear Options
A Hazmat suit provides efficient shielding against chemicals, toxins, and more dangerous forms of hazardous materials. But with all the various types of hazmat suits available on the market today, it can be hard to design one that best fits your needs and environment. To help make the process easier for you, this blog post […]
Read MoreAn Overview of Industrial Sewing Techniques
Table of Contents Introduction Lock Stitch Chain Stitch Overlock Stitch Cover Stitch Other Industrial Sewing Techniques Material Selection in Industrial Sewing Vinyl Technology Can Help You, Too Industrial sewing techniques, a cornerstone of countless industries, goes far beyond stitching together a few pieces of laminated fabric. It is a complex and precise process, encompassing a […]
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